About the School
Sussex House is an I.A.P.S. Boys’ Preparatory School of 180 pupils. It was founded in 1952 and, since 1994, has been an independent charitable trust. Sussex House’s charitable status profoundly influences its priorities. Not dominated by any personal profit motive, it firmly maintains its size of 180 boys and 21 full-time staff, backed up by a team of visiting sports coaches and music staff.
It is situated in the heart of Chelsea in a finely restored Norman Shaw house. No. 68 is one of the finest houses in Cadogan Square. The Nicholls Hall, a converted mission hall in Cadogan Street, houses the Music School and the Gymnasium.
At Sussex House we aim to create an inspirational environment in which there is a sense of striving for learning, creativity and sporting achievement and in which pupils can feel a strong sense of belonging and personal involvement. The atmosphere is traditional yet highly imaginative and the splendid setting enhances the sense of a family within a house.
There is a strong programme of sports at Sussex House and physical exercise is on offer to all boys on a daily basis. The main school sports are Football and Cricket and much else is on offer besides. The school is famous for its record of national success at Fencing.
Sussex House has a strong reputation for music and drama. Its annual programme of events involves a production at the Fortune Theatre in the West End, an ambulatory play around the City, a concert at Cadogan Hall, three concerts with professional orchestra and a wide range of other plays and concerts. Numerous musical awards to senior schools have been won in the past five years.
The School’s artistic creativity is on display at the annual Exhibition. This is a highly original occasion where huge architectural models take over the house, paintings abound and music fills the building.
At the end of each academic year the school produces a publication, The Cadogan, in which the wide-ranging life of Sussex House is reviewed. The magazine provides a major vehicle for the boys’ impressive literary offerings. Examples of the spectacular artwork are reproduced and the school musical, concerts and plays reviewed. There are full reports on all sporting achievements including the school’s major success at Fencing, as well as details of all activities, clubs, school trips and the Poetry Competitions. Please contact the School Office. if you would like a copy.
Sussex House has a Church of England affiliation and the central tenets of its Christian ethos are important to us. We have a school chaplain and the church of St. Simon Zelotes which is very close to the school, is our school chapel. Boys of all faiths and denominations (and none) are welcomed.
The Activities Committee
The Activities Committee consists of various parents and members of staff who organise an annual Christmas Party and Fair and a Summer Auction, both of which support the Arts and Sports Fund (which helps finance a wide range of extra-curricular activity) and other special projects.
Parents who are interested in joining the Committee or assisting with their events are invited to meet the Head of Committee.
It is the school’s aim that if at all possible boys are not prevented from attending due to financial hardship. Bursaries are available and details can be obtained from the School Bursar.
School fees are charged termly. It is a particular feature of the Sussex House fees that there are no compulsory extras. Fees are payable by the first day of each term. If a boy is withdrawn from the school either a full term’s notice or a payment of a term’s fees in lieu of notice must be given.
The fee is £11,100 per term (2024/25). There are no compulsory extras.
Old Cadogans
The family atmosphere of the school is enhanced by the fact that many old boys keep in close touch. Old Cadogans are invited to regular reunions and receive a copy of The Cadogan magazine for five years after leaving.
A number of Old Cadogans have distinguished themselves in the Arts.
Writers include: Mark Burnell, Aubrey de Grey, Dean Godson, Jason Goodwin, Tarquin Hall, Richard Mason, Dominic Maxwell, S.F. Said, Edward St. Aubyn, David Szalay.
Actors and Theatre/Film Directors include: Jasper Britton, Daniel Brittain-Catlin, Christopher Colley, Rowan Joffé, Daniel Radcliffe, Matthew Vaughn, Jay Villiers, Christopher Villiers.
Sportsmen include fencers who have made Senior British World Championship Teams and Commonwealth Teams:Harry Lancaster, Khaled Beydoun, Paul Walsh, David Mansour.
Term Dates
The school operates a standard three term year.
School hours are from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Term dates for 2024-2025
Summer Term 2025
Commences | Wednesday, 23rd April |
Half-term | Week of 26th May |
Ends | Tuesday, 1st July IInd to IVth Forms |
Wednesday, 2nd July Vth and VIth Forms |
Michaelmas Term 2025
Commences | Wednesday, 3rd September |
Half-term | Monday, 20th to Tuesday 28th October inclusive |
Ends | Thursday, 11th December |
Lent Term 2026
Commences | Wednesday, 7th January |
Half-term | Week of 16th February |
Ends | Wednesday, 25th March |
Summer Term 2026
Commences | Wednesday, 22nd April |
Half-term | Week of 25th May |
Ends | Wednesday, 1st July IInd to IVth Forms |
Thursday, 2nd July Vth and VIth Forms |
The school colours are dark blue, ochre and mulberry. Boys must wear the school uniform, which is available from the official suppliers:
Billings & Edmonds, 112 Chiswick High Road, W4 1PU.